What I think happens is that 12v into the EFIS goes through a DC/DC
converter which isolates it from a/c ground and sets its own internal
reference (this was how it was explained to me by Jim Butcher).
My comment about the BMA unit was merely that for the less able it is
a complex unit to set up for the Rotax. It's clear from the BMA
discussion board that there are many owners who understand and enjoy
its flexibility (and complexity). When we bought we were not
anticipating having to swap out engine sensors or being unable to use
the Rotax tacho output - we hoped for more of a 'plug and play'.
Still when it flies maybe all will be forgotten.
On 10 Apr 2008, at 20:03, josok wrote:
> Paul,
> While i don't really want to be knit-picking, i don't quite
> understand why or where the engine ground would differ from
> internal ground. Unless there is a bad connection somewhere in
> between. However unlike thermocouples, there are many different
> characteristics for resistance probes. It may very well be that BMA
> thinks it's too much trouble to cope for Rotax probes in software.
> We'll certainly manage to upset Ira!
> Regards,
> Jos Okhuijsen
> Visit -