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Europa-List: Comm Antenna

Subject: Europa-List: Comm Antenna
From: h&amp;jeuropa <>
Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 16:47:16

I'm having a problem with my comm antenna.  It is a common copper tape antenna
with toroids over the coax.  Materials and plans came from RST Engineering.  
in the rudder per Europa directions and tuned using a SWR bridge.

When I transmit, certain frequencies cause my ACK ELT to transmit.  It is 
on the bottom of the fuselage touching the rear bulkhead (under the elevator
torque tube).  If I disconnect the cable going to the remote actuator, there
is no problem. (I had this problem previously and added toroids to the four 
but no change).

Also, when I transmit, certain frequencies cause the magnetometer in my GRT EFIS
to swing heading 20 degrees.  The magnetometer is mounted on the port side of
the fuselage essentially on the fuselage parting line and just at the rear of
the D panel bulkhead.

Have others had difficulity with the dipole in the rudder causing problems?  
a solution?  How about using other antennas, like Bob Archer?


Jim Butcher
N241BW  almost in the air again

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