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RE: Europa-List: Comm Antenna

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Comm Antenna
From: craig bastin <>
Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 15:47:30

You might also try twisted pair cable, that too helps reduce crosstalk
between parallel conductors, you can get shielded twisted pair as well, I
simmilar effect in one of my cars once, High power AM cb radio with the
directly in line the the ignition coil, About 50% of the time the CB would
cause the engine to miss fire when you keyed the mike to transmit. I ended
turning the coil on its side to stop it happening. Thats why most countries
have minimum separations and crossing at right angle requirements where
cables are close to high voltage AC lines.



-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Saturday, 3 May 2008 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Comm Antenna


Hi Jim,

I tossed the GRT supplied harness and used a pair of shielded cables.
I seem to recall that I used a 4 core and a two core.  Any how I
grounded one end back to my central ground point, and for each cable I
used a small toroid.  I was able to get an addition loop through each
one although it was tight.

My suggestion is that you try the same for your ELT wiring.  I know
that you mentioned that you were already using toroids, but try an
extra loop through for each wire, and add a large one over the whole
cable.  If that doesn't work, replace the 4 core flat telephone cable
with a 4 core shielded cable.

I have a bunch of toroids left, let me know if you would like me to
toss a few in the mail.  BTW, I am using a Bob Archer antenna.  It
isn't much better, lots of stuff goes nuts when I transmit.

Cheers,  Paul

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