Problem with worm clamps is that when the hose gets hot, around 150C,
which it can do with radiant heat, the hose softens and under pressure
will pull out from under a worm clip. I suspect that is why Rotax
changed to spring clamps after my accident.
The accident was caused by a hose pulling out and filling the cowling
with vapour. Unfortunately the engine didn't stop and make the correct
decision for me, (accept a controlled crash)
> Careful on the 1.2 bar cap. The reduction in boiling over with the
> extra pressure is not worth the potential for leaking hoses. Unless
> you replaced all the spring clamps with worm clamps, I would not do
> that.
> As for the inlets, I leave mine the size they are due to ground
> cooling. It's a trade off.
> Bud