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Re: Europa-List: mono brake mounting

Subject: Re: Europa-List: mono brake mounting
From: Rowland Carson <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 12:20:09

>I finally had to opportunity to get under my aircraft and pull the 
>masking from the wheel well area so I could get in to see what is 
>going on.  There is no aluminum plate in there.  It is some sort of 
>reinforced area and I have no idea what is actually acting as 

Bob - I had a word with the factory today on the phone.

Roger went down to the shop where they have just completed a new 
cockpit module and the technician there said they make a rectangular 
cutout there in the brown foam and put in 12 layers of glass to make 
it up to the same thickness as the foam before the top layer of 
pre-preg goes on.

Maybe once upon a time they did use a metal insert and that is what 
some people have got. The Classic CM had no prepared area and 
required the builder to cut away one side of the glass and the foam 
and replace it with plywood before re-glassing.

Thanks for your confidence-building response.


| Wilma & Rowland Carson
| <>          ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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