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Re: Europa-List: Removing PVA release agent

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Removing PVA release agent
From: Andrew Sarangan <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 17:26:22

Now you are getting me worried. I did not wash my XS wing spar before
applying the reinforcement plies, nor did the manual mention it.  I
simply scuff sanded it. But I did not notice any adhesion problems.
Anyone else notice this?

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 5:06 PM, david miller <> wrote:
> Andrew,
> My spars were coated with something, I presume it was a release agent,
> nothing would stick to it.
> I tried detergent and water, and tri sodium phospate, neither of which did
> much.
> Sanding just worked the contaminant into the spars.
> Eventually I tried Comet kitchen cleaner, and the foaming/scouring action
> plus lots of water
> cleaned them well.
> After this a friend from the auto industry gave me a bottle of "Polycracker"
> prep wash.
> Sprayed on wiped off and rinsed, the stuff was brilliant at removing
> whatever was on the spars.
> Dave
> On 11-Jul-08, at 12:23 PM, Andrew Sarangan wrote:
>> I am not sure what the PVA release agent looks like. My cockpit module
>> has very thick glossy stuff all over the the underside. It looks more
>> like excessive epoxy. But I am concerned if this might be the PVA
>> release agent. If so, it's not going to come off with any amount of
>> washing in soap and water. Some heavy duty sanding would be in order.
>> Does anyone have some advice on this?
>> Thanks!

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