Here is a link to some photos. It is in corners and crevices, so I
doubt it is packing tape. It does not dissolve in water at all. I
waited several hours. It really looks like cling wrap, or some type
of peel ply, but no one has mentioned its existence in the moldings.
It tears easily and only comes off in small bits, so it is hard to
guess how much of the surface is covered by this stuff. I will try
your suggestions on using a sharp blade and IPA. Let me know if you
see anything in the photos.
On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 5:39 PM, <> wrote:
> Hi Andrew
> "I could only see small shreds of transparent
>> plastic wrap stuck to various surfaces."
> I am not sure of the exact designation of the release compound europa
> uses, but it is in fact water soluble. Using scotch bright with Palmolive
> takes it off OK. What you are describing does not sound like a release
> agent. My kit was covered with tan packaging tape. Boy what a pain to get
> off. It was definite not 3M 375 tape (my favorite packaging tape used
> extensive in model building), but most likely some cheap stuff that got
> stuck better than many of my layups! I am wondering if what you see is
> very thin clear packaging tape?? Or shrink wrap pulled very tight on
> remains of packaging tape?
> search:
> Ultra-Sharp Razor blades
> Buy a hundred Ultra-Sharp Carbon Steel Blades. Try some mineral spirits
> and razor blades (and finger nails), it may be tape?? Can also try some
> Isopropyl Alcohol. See if you can disolve with other than watere. Use
> scotch-bright with a solvent that seems to work. Be very careful with
> acetone and blue foam.
> Shaving with very sharp razor blade and solvent sounds like a good plan
> without seeing first hand??
> Curious what your resolve will be.
> Ron P.