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RE: Europa-List: Cabin vent - air outlet?

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Cabin vent - air outlet?
From: craig bastin <>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 19:48:27

Lance who is building a Mono about three hours drive from myself has an
outlet installed in the top
of the "D" that vents to freestream airflow just behind the bulkhead via
ramp simmilar to a cowl flap
exit, it slopes in line with the fuselage so rain etc doesnt try and fill up
the "outlet" while parked
I plan to do the same on mine, from memory he has a small baffle plate that
can be adjusted as needed and closed
when parked.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Frans
Sent: Tuesday, 9 September 2008 5:24 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Cabin vent - air outlet?


It is easy to install air inlets, there are plenty of examples in the
galleries and build logs.
But when air enters the cabin, air has also to be able to leave somewhere.
How have people accomplished this? I don't see any examples for this.

Originally, I planned to make an exit in the D-panel, and let the air escape
via the rear fuselage (trim tab slots). But now I've read that the rear
fuselage has a higher pressure than the cabin.

What is the best way to vent the cabin, to obtain a steady airflow, rather
than trying to pressurize the cabin or to get oscillations in the air? Any
ideas or satisfying implementations?


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