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Re: Europa-List: Cabin vent - air outlet?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Cabin vent - air outlet?
From: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 15:00:41
That=B4s true. Through the UC slot you can see mother ground
but nothing comes in. 

Somebody wrote years ago if you forget to close the door(s) properly
(one shooting bolt is not in) you will notice it soon, 
because in that case the UC slot will be an air inlet instead of outlet.

I have had no problems with air outlets.

During cold seasons I feel some nasty draught (extra air inlets) from
the headrest and seat ass storage areas. They should be fully closed but
obvioushly they are not. They are on my list to improve. Any ideas?

Raimo from Finland

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: philip george 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 1:00 PM
  Subject: RE: Europa-List: Cabin vent - air outlet?

  Frans . You will find if it is a mono wheel ,air will be drawn out 
thru the wheel- well as this is a low pressure area .Being drawn thru 
the retraction lever slot . This is not so on the tri-gear. 
  Phil George .XS Mono wheel.

  > Subject: Europa-List: Cabin vent - air outlet?
  > From:
  > Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 10:23:40 +0300
  > To:
  > It is easy to install air inlets, there are plenty of examples in 
the galleries and build logs.
  > But when air enters the cabin, air has also to be able to leave 
  > How have people accomplished this? I don't see any examples for 
  > Originally, I planned to make an exit in the D-panel, and let the 
air escape via the rear fuselage (trim tab slots). But now I've read 
that the rear fuselage has a higher pressure than the cabin.
  > What is the best way to vent the cabin, to obtain a steady airflow, 
rather than trying to pressurize the cabin or to get oscillations in the 
air? Any ideas or satisfying implementations?
  > Frans
  > Visit -

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