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Europa-List: Re: Foreign owner of British registered Europa

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Foreign owner of British registered Europa
From: zwakie <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 04:36:45

> that it was an already completed aircraft I was looking at which had been 
> flying
several hundred hours on British registration

You are doing exactly the same that I did about a year ago (my plane was 
and flying when I bought it), this is what I experienced :

I did not have to do with Dutch authorities, except that I was told by Dutch CAA
to get approval to fly my airplane in Holland (although that official point
of view was open for debate since nobody was able to point me to the Law that
said so). 

Please do realize that each country has different rules on flying 
foreign-registered aircraft within their airspace; check the "Flying From UK 
into Europe" document ( > For Pilots > Going 
Foreign > Permission to fly in European Countries) for details. Denmark is 
listed as not requiring special permission, that would make things easy for you.

I'm not sure what you mean with "importation" in your original question. 

If you meant that you cannot transfer completed foreign homebuilts to the Danish
register, how about leaving it on the foreign register and operate it from 
(please read back my first reply for the most significant implications)

This automatically leads to other possible interpretation of aforesaid 
If you mean that Danish Laws do not allow you to base and operate a foreign 
homebuilt (e.g. without doing a transfer to Danish register), I would
recommend you to have Danish authorities show you the exact Article of the Law
that tells you that you can't do that. I would be highly surprised if the Law
would prevent you from doing so because to me that seems to be contradicting
with several EC Laws; if this indeed is the case, buying a completed foreign 
would not be an option to you.

Regarding maintenance a.s.o. you will have to comply with UK Laws. All 
information on these to be found on

Because UK CAA has delegated a lot of things regarding Class-A Permit-Aircraft 
to the LAA, you will be dealing with the LAA 
( quite a bit, most importantly for 
annual inspections and modifications approvals. Please realize that the LAA is 
a great resource for knowlegde and skills too (as is the Europa Club, 
membership of both are highly recommended when owning a Europa)!

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