if I can add my half cent, use a short straight lump of soft wood and a kno
cking =0Astick of some sort, (hammer, mallet)=0A=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A_________
_______________________=0AFrom: Jeff B <topglock@cox.net>=0ATo: europa-list
@matronics.com=0ASent: Thursday, 10 March, 2011 20:23:23=0ASubject: Re: Eur
k@cox.net>=0A=0AJim,=0A=0AAs others have stated... A small rubber or plast
ic mallet and you're =0Agood to go. Be sure to tap the seal deep into the
corners...=0A=0AJeff - Baby Blue=0A=0AOn 3/9/2011 5:55 PM, jimpuglise@comca
st.net wrote:=0A> I am finally getting close to the end. Today I took out t
he rubber door=0A> seal and started to look at putting it on. There is a di
agram in the=0A> manual that shows how it fits, and it makes sense. The rub
ber has a=0A> small channel that should fit the edge of the rebate. Where t
here is=0A> only a single ply, this works fine. Where the door frame is two
plies=0A> thick, the rubber is not flexible enough to get on. In this case
, it=0A> would seem that the edge should be cut down to a thickness that th
e=0A> rubber will go over. A Perma-Grit or die grinder would do it. Do I=0A
> understand this correctly? Also, they do not mention how to fasten the=0A
> rubber in; it would seem to me that a little FLOX would be appropriate.
=0A> Is this correct?=0A>=0A> END IN SIGHT!=0A>=0A> Jim Puglise - A283=0A>