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Europa-List: Re: fuel pressure problem, urgent

Subject: Europa-List: Re: fuel pressure problem, urgent
From: Remi Guerner <>
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 02:10:13

Possible causes of a low fuel pressure can be clogged filters, a blocked fuel 
vent,  a blocked tank output or a blocked fuel line, a defective  mechanical
fuel pump, a blocked mechanical fuel pump, the restrictor missing in the return
This is what I suggest to determine the cause
1. Clogged filters : obviously you have eliminated this possible cause
 2. Blocked fuel tank vent : try with the fuel cap removed
3. Blocked tank output or blocked fuel line: disconnect the hose at the 
pump and perform a fuel flow test with the electrical pump : with a well charged
battery, you should get about 100-110 liters per hour.
4. Failed mechanical fuel pump : with the electrical pump turned on, the fuel 
should be around 4 PSI and the engine should run ok. I suppose you have
done that already, so this is probably not the cause.
5. Blocked mechanical fuel pump :   bypass the mechanical pump and turn on the
electrical pump and see what fuel pressure you get.
6. restrictor missing in the return line : this is very unlikely unless it has
never been installed. I know one Europa which flew without it for years (yes,
with a 912S). So double check it.
I hope that helps.
Remi Guerner

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