Juergen=0Aseems that was your problem. Block the return pipe completely and
test run the =0Aengine. It should run normally.=0AThat will confirm the di
europapa <jubu@onlinehome.de>=0ATo: europa-list@matronics.com=0ASent: Tuesd
ay, 19 April, 2011 20:32:22=0ASubject: Europa-List: Re: fuel pressure probl
ome.de>=0A=0AHi Berry,=0A=0Athe problem is not solved yet.=0AThe mechanics
could not find the restrictor they think it has been flooded into =0Athe ta
nk!?=0ASo I ordered a new one but I am leery.=0A=0AJuergen=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ARe
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