Enjoy yourself Bud, at our age pleasure comes before duty! At mine it does
=0Aanyway!=0AGood luck to your son, he will need a lot of wisdom and surviv
al skills to pay =0Aoff Ben Bernanke debts, unfortunately.=0AMy son is busy
paying off the British bankers debts. And their bonuses dammitt!=0AGraham
=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Bud Yerly <budye
rly@msn.com>=0ATo: europa-list@matronics.com=0ASent: Sunday, 17 April, 2011
19:39:02=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU etc. Keep your ear to the
ground.=0A=0A=EF=BB =0APlease don't overanalyze the Jab vs Rotax decis
ion.=0AKevin is right, it is apples and oranges.=0A =0AThose of us near sea
level, you are fine with a normally aspirated engine.=0AFor those flying
out of 5000 foot MSL airstrips and climbing in and out of =0Amountains, yo
u can't beat a turbo.=0AIf you want super long range (ouch my bladder hurts
) you need to look at =0Aspecific fuel consumption or cruise fuel flows.
=0A=0AMy Europa trigear holds 20 US gallons useable (yea the new tank holds
a bit =0Amore) and at 4.5 gallons an hour, it exceeds my bladder capacity
.=0AGeared vs direct drive is a mute point. They both work. Geared turns
the prop =0Aa bit slower, direct is a shorter prop. This is not a factor
for the Europa's =0Aprop limit of 64 inches. The Jab runs on AV gas, and
Aviation consumables and =0Ahas a higher specific fuel consumption. The
Rotax can run on car gas without =0Aproblems and is very economical at crui
se, and performs well at higher =0Aaltitude... (It also gives neat airsho
w departures.) Cooling is not an issue =0Ain my bird at all during climb
or takeoff. But there are those pesky hoses and =0Athe coolant radiator t
o fool with in 5 years when I better change them.=0A =0AI have found my ea
rly early 914 is not the engine of the new 914s. The new =0AJabiru 3300 i
s not the same engine as the original solid lifter engines. Kit =0Amanufa
cturers who saddled themselves with only one engine choice have come up
=0Awith carburetor, cowl and cooling changes which have made their engines
more =0Auser friendly for their aircraft. There are some idiots flying w
ith Celsius =0Ainfo in the EFIS and telling the prospective buyer the engi
ne is running super =0Acool. Thankfully, no one I know is doing that on p
urpose. Rest assured, any =0Achanges from the primary engine recommended
by the aircraft manufacturer will =0Aneed some tinkering.=0A =0ATruth be kn
own, I don't have time to tinker on my own plane anymore, so I need =0Aa l
azy mans fire wall forward for the trigear.=0AThat is why I have a Rotax an
d an Airmaster Prop. To me it is just easier to =0Amaintain and work on t
his combination. It is as close to FADEC as I can get =0Awith my wallet.
Climb and dive, winter or summer, just smack the throttle =0Aaround and i
t takes it. No oil leaks, shock cooling, taxi cooling, or noisy =0Aprop n
oise requiring ANR headsets to limit my flying. Although those pesky =0Al
eaky tires required me to make new wheel pants for easy filling since it s
its =0Aa lot...=0A =0AWe are tinkering with the setup right now of the olde
r model Jab and Rotax in =0Athe shop. Tuning is an issue. When the storm
damage is fixed, we'll fly more =0Aand report back. Same with the Airmas
ter two blade vs three. The setbacks =0Awe've had have slowed us down and
removed labor and financial assets, but we =0Awill press on.=0A =0ANote:
Keep your ear to the ground as the recent storm damage across the US has
=0Aleft many aircraft owners with totaled aircraft, but they still have en
gines, =0Aand sales may be on the horizon.=0A =0AWe have a new US owner. T
hey are Mike and Erin DePeugh of Pekin Il. Ken =0AGresham flew him in his
Europa and he was hooked. I'll send some pictures as =0Asoon as his plane
and he arrives at the shop in May.=0A =0AHave a great week. I am off to m
y son's graduation and will have my first 4 =0Aday in a row break since 20
06. Ed and Chris will run the shop as I may not =0Awant to come back to w
ork.=0A =0ARegards,=0ABud=0A =0A =0A =0A =0A----- Original Message -----
=0A>From: ptag.dev@tiscali.co.uk =0A>To: europa-list@matronics.com =0A>Sent
: Sunday, April 17, 2011 12:04 PM=0A>Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIR
message posted by: "ptag.dev@tiscali.co.uk" =0A><ptag.dev@tiscali.co.uk>
=0A>=0A>Not any more =C2=B4Bud I was lucky to be able to change it for a
Rotax 914!=0A>Regards=0A>Bob Harrison GPTAG=0A>=0A>>----Original Mes
sage----=0A>>From: budyerly@msn.com=0A>>Date: 15/04/2011 22:48 =0A>>To:
<europa-list@matronics.com>=0A>>Subj: Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU 3300 B
I was the only one with sleepless nights.=0A>=0A>>Bud=0A>=0A>> -----
Original Message ----- =0A>=0A>> From: ptag.dev@tiscali.co.uk<mailto:ptag
.dev@tiscali.co.uk> =0A>=0A>> To: europa-list@matronics.com<mailto:europa-
list@matronics.com> =0A>=0A>> Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 11:51 AM=0A>=0A
>> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU 3300 BRAND NEW OVER TEMPERATURE
=0A>DURING TAXI=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> --> Europa-List message pos
ted by: "ptag.dev@tiscali.co.uk<mailto:=0A>ptag.dev@tiscali.co.uk>" <ptag.d
Hi! Frans, Graham /all=0A>=0A>> With comments about the Jabiru you are
subjecting me to a =0A>nightmare =0A>=0A>> !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tempt me
!=0A>=0A>> Regards=0A>=0A>> Bob Harrison G_PTAG=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >--
--Original Message----=0A>=0A>> >From: grahamsingleton@btinternet.com<m
ailto:=0A>grahamsingleton@btinternet.com>=0A>=0A>> >Date: 15/04/2011 11
:46 =0A>=0A>> >To: <europa-list@matronics.com<mailto:europa-list@matronics
.com>>=0A>=0A>> >Subj: Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU 3300 BRAND =0A>=0A>>
=0A>> >Frans=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >I think you are right, much more logic
al conclusions than mine !:-=0A>)=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >Agree about the Ja
biru also, sad but geared and liquid cooled =0A>will =0A>=0A>> always h
ave a =0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >performance advantage. More complication too
of course but a more =0A>=0A>> sensible =0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >compromise I
think.=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >regards=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >Graham=0A>=0A>
>=0A>=0A>> >=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>
> >=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >________________________________=0A>=0A>>=0A
>=0A>> >From: Frans Veldman <frans@privatepilots.nl<mailto:=0A>frans@pr
ivatepilots.nl>>=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >To: europa-list@matronics.com<mailt
o:europa-list@matronics.com>=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >Sent: Friday, 15 April,
2011 11:17:12=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU
>TAXI=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >--> Europa-List messag
e posted by: Frans Veldman =0A><frans@privatepilots<mailto:frans@privatepil
ots>.=0A>=0A>> nl>=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >On 04/15
/2011 10:17 AM, GRAHAM SINGLETON wrote:=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >=0A>=0A>>=0A
>=0A>> >> To a certain extent the same thing happens with Rotax so the
=0A>front=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >> cylinders get more fuel than the rear at
some throttle =0A>settings, =0A>=0A>> drops=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >> of fuel
don't turn corners the same as air molecules!=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >
=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >I believe the "problem" with the Rotax is of a diff
erent nature. =0A>=0A>> There=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >are two carbs, and th
e inlet pulses are not equally distributed. =0A>Each=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>>
>carb will see two inlet pulses in sequence, then followed by a =0A>long
=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >pause when the cylinders on the other side (fed by
the other =0A>carb) =0A>=0A>> have=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >their respective
inlet pulses.=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >After the pause, the flow of fuel
inside the nozzles is stalled. =0A>With=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >the first cy
linder breathing, the fuel has to start moving again, =0A>and=0A>=0A>>=0A>
=0A>> >the second cylinder has the benefit that the fuel is already up
to=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >speed. So the second cylinder in the sequence rec
eives a slightly =0A>=0A>> richer=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >mixture.=0A>
=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >A solution can be to use a bigger bore balance tube. So
me Italian=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >company is selling a pair of manifolds an
d balance tube for this=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >purpose, and the manifolds h
ave already the bosses in them to =0A>mount =0A>=0A>> fuel=0A>=0A>>
=0A>=0A>> >injectors for future upgrades (and using the carbs as fuelle
ss =0A>=0A>> throttle=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >bodies and backup in case the
EFI fails).=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >Ok,the subject
was "Jabiru". To keep it in the subject: After the =0A>=0A>> long=0A>=0A>>
=0A>=0A>> >list of problems and disadvantages, can anybody enlighten me
what =0A>the=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >benefit is of the Jab over the Rotax?
(I assume there must be =0A>one, =0A>=0A>> why=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >else
would anyone bother to install one?)=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> >=0A>=0A>>=0A>
=0A>> >Frans===================0A>
=0A>>=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>>=0A>=0A>> =0A>>http://www.matronics.com/Na
=0A>> =0Ahttp://www.matronics.com/contributionhttp://www.matronics.com/c
ontribution>=0A>=0A>> Features Chat, http://www.matronnbsp; via th
e Web =0A>>title=http://forums.matronics.com/ =0A>>href="http://for
ums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com=0A>_p; generous
bsp; =0A>title=http://www.matronics.com/contributio
n =0A>href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.c
============== =0A