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Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU etc. Keep your ear to the ground.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU etc. Keep your ear to the ground.
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 23:45:29
Bill you are absolutely right.=0AQE is ;legalized forgery, borrowing money 
---From our grandchildren. And it makes =0Athe lawer that sanctioned it into a
 criminal . (imho fo course)=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A_______________________
_________=0AFrom: William McClellan <>=0ATo: "Europa-L" <>=0ASent: Monday, 18 April, 20
11 21:56:24=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU etc. Keep your ear to th>=0A=0A=0AAn apt line I heard, "Gov should have a debit card
, not a credit card". Why =0Aisn't it questioned when the Gov/Central Bank 
process, first creates the debt, =0Athen creates the money (currently calle
d Qualitative Easing) to fund the debt. =0AGold's, and more recently, silve
r's assent against all fiat currencies, is the =0Aresult of the money print
ing "solution" which all these Gov and central banks =0Apractice. The "syst
em" continues to attempt to engineer the economy and by =0Aobservation is n
ot doing very well. What would we have in the US if we didn't =0Ahave our m
ain growth industry, Government. The size of each economic crisis =0Agrows 
with the commensurate growth in debt, leverage, economy engineering and =0A
money printing. Should we just stop and accept the explanation that each cr
isis =0Ais a temporary liquidity problem. What created the liquidity proble
m?  The =0AGov/Central Bank system creates the excesses which precipitates 
the liquidity =0Acrisis and then the solution is even more of the excesses.
!=0A   If there wasn't "too much" debt, leverage and money printing could t
here be =0Amuch of a liquidity problem. We must have each heard the analogy
 of solving an =0Aalcohol addiction with increasing doses of alcohol. It's 
becoming more and more =0Aapparent that the outcome will not be good.=0A=0A

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