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Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU etc. Keep your ear to the ground.

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU etc. Keep your ear to the ground.
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 08:39:08
Jeff=0Aprayer sent for your son, and all the others.=0AI don't blame Oby bu
t I seriously balme Bernake. The banks have us all over the =0Abarrel and a
re stripping us out. The politicians are all in hock to the banks =0Aand bb
ig biz.=0ASorry for all this guys, I do get would up when I look back and s
ee what they've =0Aall done. Worse, are doing it all again.=0ABack to aviat
ion, "roll on electric!"=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A_____________________
___________=0AFrom: Jeffrey Roberts <>=0ATo: europa-list@matro Tuesday, 19 April, 2011 3:14:36=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List
: Re: JABIRU etc.  Keep your ear to the ground.=0A=0AGram,=0AYes indeed it 
was the MR. Bush. In my opinion he was the worst until this one =0Abut in a
 somewhat different way. This one is really good at saying one thing =0Athe
n doing something else. Some seem to defend todays leadership by comparing 
it =0Aas better than Bush. They both have placed us on a collision course t
o what =0Ahappened in Greece. Only this President seems to be speeding up t
he process. =0A=0AOh and Fred you have my apologizes. I was truly not tryin
g to offend. I indeed =0Ashould have said I and not we or us. I'm just real
ly ticked off at whats =0Ahappened in the last 10 years here. My only son i
s in the mountains of =0AAfghanistan in the middle of a one year Army deplo
yment. Needless to say we are =0Avery proud of him but scared to death. Whe
n I turn on the morning news I hear =0Amore about the royal wedding than wh
at our young people are trying to accomplish =0Aand the sacrifices they and
 their families are making.  I wonder if we would be =0Atrying to fight a p
olite political war if the idiots in Washington had their own =0Asons fight
ing on the ground. Hell these poor soldiers can't even engage the =0Aenemy 
without pre approval. Needless to say politics are not one of my favorite 
=0Asubjects right now. =0AI will ask anyone that will, to take a few minute
s and say a prayer for our =0Asoldiers. =0A=0AI'm going to quit now as this
 forum needs to get back to solutions for the =0Abuilder & flyers of our gr
eat Europa... which BTW I'm having a few but that can =0Await.=0A=0ARegards
,=0AJeff N128LJ Gold Rush=0A=0A=0A=0AOn Apr 18, 2011, at 5:53 PM, GRAHAM SI
NGLETON wrote:=0A=0AJeff=0A>wasn't it the ShruB created the biggest deficit
 in history and started all this =0A>QE,  ? =0A>Graham=0A>=0A>=0A>=0A>=0A>
=0A>=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Fred Klein <fklein@orcasonl>=0A>To:>Sent: Monday, 18 April, 2011 1
9:22:05=0A>Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: JABIRU etc. Keep your ear to the g>=0A>=0A>=0A>On Apr 18, 2011, at 10:37 AM, Jeffrey Roberts wrote:
=0A>=0A>> We are all getting rather tired of the few wanna tax & spend libe
ral hollywood =0A>>types getting into our pockets and running this country 
into the ground.=0A>=0A>    I'm always fascinated when someone takes it upo
n himself to speak on behalf =0A>of "all" of reveals to me ju
st a hint of the pitfalls we can land =0A>in when we go off-Europa-topic.
=0A>=0A>F href=""; target=
"_blank">p;       =0A>          -Matt Dralle, Libution" ======
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opa-List">> href="http:/
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