Tim=0Amy dilute memory tells me that some of us concluded that the low pres
sure =0Arecommended allowed the tire to slip circumferentialy too much whic
h steadily =0Awore out the inner tube. I used a higher pressure for that re
ason.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Ti
m Ward <ward.t@xtra.co.nz>=0ATo: europa-list@matronics.com=0ASent: Wednesda
y, 6 July, 2011 21:38:46=0ASubject: Fwd: Europa-List: Tire /tyre landing in
im Ward <ward.t@xtra.co.nz>=0A>=0A>I keep the tyre pressure between 28-30 p
si. No problems with the tyre after =0A>250hours 464 cycles. Only disadvant
age with the higher pressure is one has to be =0A>more diligent on controll
ing the aircraft path when landing on hard pavement =0A>runways. I did not
use the original Europa tyre but use the Mccready? Air tire, =0A>narrower a
nd stronger.=0A>Tim=0A>=0A>Tim Ward=0A>12 Waiwetu Street=0A>Fendalton,=0A>C
hristchurch,=0A>New Zealand.=0A>=0A>ward.t@xtra.co.nz=0A>=0A>Ph 64 3 351516
6=0A>Mob 0210640221=0A>=0A>=0A>On 7/07/2011, at 6:19 AM, Jerry Rehn <rehn@r
ehn <rehn@rockisland.com>=0A>>=0A=0A>=0A10 years, one slow leak, 18 lbs =0A
>=0AMono=0A>=0AJerry=0A>=0A=0A>=0ASent from my iPhone=0A>=0A=0A>=0AOn Jul 6
, 2011, at 10:36 AM, <acrojim@cfl.rr.com> wrote:=0A>=0A=0A>=0A--> Europa-Li
st message posted by: <acrojim@cfl.rr.com>=0A>>=0A=0A>>=0AAll monowheel dri
vers=0A>>=0A=0A>>=0AFollowing this thread today... I have a few commits to
throw to the forum...I =0Anotice that Europa requires very low tire pressu
re in their manual....=0A>>=0A=0A>>=0AI also noticed today that quiet a few
monowheel drivers are having flat's....I =0Asuspect that with the low air
pressure, when you land the sidewals are flexing =0Adue to low air pressure
...this is probably "pinching the inner tube" and then =0Athe tire goes fla
t....=0A>>=0A=0A>>=0AI have always kept 32 PSI in the tire. IN 10 years, an
d two tires and tubes, I =0Ahave never had a flat....Yes I know I have been
blessed by the good luck god..=0A>>=0A=0A>>=0AThank about it with 32 P S I
n the tube the sidewalls are not flexing......Just =0Amy thought's on this
matter....=0A>>=0A=0A>>=0AJim Brown=0A>>=0AMonowheel.......=0A>>=0A=0A>>=0A
---- Paul McAllister <paul.the.aviator@gmail.com> wrote: =0A>>=0AHi All,=0A
>>>=0A=0A>>>=0AI have found that the inner tubes on my mono to be an ongoin
g problem and I=0A>>>=0Anow routinely change my inner tube every 150 hours
as preventative=0A>>>=0Amaintenance. The tubes I have been using are not v
ery expensive and I think=0A>>>=0Athat they are from China. Recently Bud ma
de me aware that there is a=0A>>>=0Acertified inner tube available at about
3 times the cost and if they last=0A>>>=0Alonger then they would be so wor
th it!=0A>>>=0A=0A>>>=0AI do recall when I mentioned on the forum that I wa
s losing inner tubes=0A>>>=0Aregularly that some people were surprised and
that they had not had a=0A>>>=0Aproblem so perhaps this can be accounted fo
r by different inner tubes being=0A>>>=0Aavailable. The failure I get is th
at the side wall of the inner tube get=0A>>>=0Asmall splits in it due to ch
afing. I typically run my tire at about 24 psi,=0A>>>=0Awhich is higher th
an the recommended by Europa. BTW I do use talcum powder=0A>>>=0Awhen I in
stall the inner tube.=0A>>>=0A=0A>>>=0AI have had 3 blow outs on a hard sur
face and fortunately I was able to keep=0A>>>=0Adirectional control. The c
hallenge I found is that with a flat tire the=0A>>>=0Amono is nearly imposs
ible to move. It happen to me at a large airport once=0A>>>=0Awhich got th
e airport authority excited because they had to shut the runway=0A>>>=0Adow
n and divert all of the 737's to a shorter runway. I now carry a jacking
=0A>>>=0Ablock, tools and a spare inner tube with me and I can now do the c
hange out=0A>>>=0Ain less than 30 minutes.=0A>>>=0A=0A>>>=0ANext time aroun
d I am going to try a certified inner tube in the hope that=0A>>>=0Ait will
last longer.=0A>>>=0A=0A>>>=0APaul=0A>>>=0A=0A>>>=0A=0A>>>=0A=0A>>>>=0A*Fr
om:* Raimo Toivio <raimo.toivio@rwm.fi>=0A>>>>=0A*Sent:* Wednesday, July 06
, 2011 3:21 AM=0A>>>>=0A*To:* Raimo Toivio <raimo.toivio@rwm.fi>=0A>>>>=0A*
Subject:* Tire /tyre landing incident /accident=0A>>>>=0A=0A>>>>=0ADear All
,=0A>>>>=0A=0A>>>>=0Ait is a long time since I have been here. Today it hap
pened something and I=0A>>>>=0Agot an Europa Energy Burst (aka ENB) to writ
e on the list. I think this=0A>>>>=0Acould be useful info for most of you E
uropa (or any GA plane) operators. Let=0A>>>>=0Ame tell you what was it and
how it went:=0A>>>>=0A=0A>>>>=0A=0A>>>>=0A=0A>>>>=0A=0A>>=0A=0A>>=0A=0A>>
=0A=0A>>=0A=0A>=0A=0A>=0A=0A>=0A=0A>=0A=0A>=0A=0A=0A= Archive Search & Do
wnload, 7-Day Browse, Chat, FAQ,=0Aa-List">http://ww=======
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