You need to keep our friend Murphy in mind. "If it can't possibly break, it
On the other hand, if you put in a couple of nut plates and screw them on,
you will never need to remove them. This is the second corollary to Murphy's
Law. "Any part that is easily accessible will not break."
Jim Puglise
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Renshaw" <>
Sent: Friday, September 9, 2011 10:06:16 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Door Mech Coverplates
I am of two minds whether to screw or bond on my door mech coverplates. Finally,
I am satisfied I have done a good job in there, so am wondering whether
the original strength might have some merit. I realize to redux them in
place creates quite a problem if I need to get in there, but in reality what is
the chances. Any advice much appreciated.
Tony Renshaw