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Re: Europa-List: Door Mech Coverplates

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Door Mech Coverplates
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 08:10:47
Fred=0Athis is the best way to go. People often sit on the edge and that de
flects it =0Aand cracks the paint/filler.=0Abtw Kingsley Hurst I believe ow
ns Mal Mclure's classic, Mal devised a very neat =0Aand simple  latch that 
stops the doors bending open in flight from cockpit =0Apressurisation. (fre
sh air venting)=0ACould we persuade you to photograph it Kingsley? The pict
ures I took years ago =0Aare useless.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A______________
__________________=0AFrom: Fred Klein <>=0ATo: europa Thursday, 15 September, 2011 4:48:08=0ASubject:
 Re: Europa-List: Door Mech Coverplates=0A=0AI love "Jim's Corollary"...and
 am glad to know from Bob that the bonding in of =0Athe covers is reversibl
e.=0A=0AFor myself, I'm content w/ having installed the nutplates, irrespec
tive of what =0Athe manual directs. The manual is silent on strength and st
iffness issues =0Arelated to the door sill...and I was not happy w/ their f
lexibility. To stiffen =0Aup the sills, I followed John Lawton's lead by la
ying up a 3 layer BID quarter =0Around beneath them which forms part of the
 raceways (port for electric power, =0Astbd for pneumatics and antennas). S
ills are now stiff as...well, let's just say =0Avery stiff.=0A=0AFred=0A=0A
=0A=0A=0A=0AOn Sep 14, 2011, at 6:37 AM, wrote:=0A
=0AYou need to keep our friend Murphy in mind.  "If it can't possibly break
, it =0Awill."  On the other hand, if you put in a couple of nut plates and
 screw them =0Aon, you will never need to remove them.  This is the second 
corollary to =0AMurphy's Law.  "Any part that is easily accessible will not
y Renshaw <>=0A>=0A>I am of two minds whether to sc
===  =0A

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