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Re: Europa-List: outrigger legs

Subject: Re: Europa-List: outrigger legs
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2012 10:55:28
Ivan=0Awhat about the water content, how does that affect stiffness? I wond
er if drought conditions is harmful?=0A=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A_______________
_________________=0A From: Ivan Shaw <>=0ATo: europa =0ASent: Sunday, 12 August 2012, 10:44=0ASubject: RE: E
haw" <>=0A=0ATim,=0AI experimented with many differe
nt materials for the outrigger legs and it=0Awas not until using 'nylon 66'
 that the strength, flexibility and longevity=0Awere all OK.=0A=0ARegards 
=0AIvan=0A=0A-----Original Message-----=0AFrom: owner-europa-list-server@ma[] On Behalf Of 
Tim Ward=0ASent: 11 August 2012 23:22=0ATo:
ject: Re: Europa-List: outrigger legs=0A=0A--> Europa-List message posted b
y: Tim Ward <>=0A=0ARemi,=0AMaybe a bad batch of legs supp
lied to the Company. Tell the Company and=0Areturn them for testing. They s
hould send another pair out hopefully from a=0Adifferent batch. =0A=0ACheer
s,=0A=0ATim=0A=0ATim Ward=0A12 Waiwetu Street=0AFendalton,=0AChristchurch,
- 8052=0ANew 64 3 3515166=0AMob 0
210640221=0A=0A=0AOn 12/08/2012, at 8:00 AM, "Remi Guerner" <air.guerner@or
=0A> --> <>=0A> =0A> Hi Monowheel drivers,=0A> I broke
 one outrigger leg two months ago and flew for a while with an=0Aemergency 
repair designed on site just to allow me to go back home: the=0Arepair was 
made using the existing remains of the nylon rod lengthened with=0Ascrap al
uminum tubing. When I finally received the nylon rods ordered from=0Athe Eu
ropa factory I could not use them because they were slightly too short=0Aan
d badly machined. So I ordered a length of 1"1/4 Nylon from ACS and=0Ainsta
lled them immediately. At the first landing, one of the all new legs=0Abrok
e just at mid length. I was very embarassed as this happened on a big=0Aair
port were I had the honor of a jumbo eight wheeler fire truck! This time=0A
I managed to repair quickly as I was carrying the old emergency repaired ro
d=0Ain the aircraft. I am now afraid of flying with the aircraft as it is, 
as an=0Aout rigger leg can break again at the next landing.=0A> My question
s:=0A> - How is that possible that a new nylon rod breaks at the very first
=0Alanding while the original parts have been able to withstand 12 years of
=0Aaging, 950 flight hours and probably one or two thousand landings, some 
of=0Athem not as smooth as they should be?=0A> - How is that possible that 
the nylon rod broke right at mid length, which=0Ais not where the maximum s
tress is located? Note that the first leg broke at=0Athe upper end which se
ems logical to me.=0A> - What is the experience on other monowheels regardi
ng the life of those=0Anylon rods?=0A> - has anyone designed and tested a v
ariation of the original outriggers,=0Awith rods made of other materials su
ch as glass fiber, steel...?=0A> Regards=0A> Remi Guerner=0A> F-PGKL, groun
ded=0A> =0A> =0A> =0A> =0A> Read this topic online here:=0A> =0A> http://fo> =0A> =0A> =0A> =0A> 
=0A> =0A> =0A> =0A> =0A> =0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A-----=0ANo virus found in 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Matt Dralle, L

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