Hi Europa pilots/builders
I did the mod 73 per instructions five years ago and at first it looked
good. After a short while the play was back.
My assembly was perhaps a bit tighter then normal so the Loctite did not
penetrate enough.
In order to get rid of the play I made =9Cspecial=9D washer,
situated inside the torque tube. Now it was possible to tight the tubes
hard together.
The result was a zero play system. Complete solid for 5 year (340 hours)
. I know another builder that has solved the play in the same fashion
with complete success.
Here is draft drawing that shows the parts involved. In my case it was
only necessary to change the outer bolts:
It is necessary to create a spanner with looong shank. I used a wooden
stick and strapped the spanner to it. After 30-40 minutes and some
swearing (not much) it was tight, very tight I may add.
Additionally I made a thin black line, 4-5 cm long, on fuselage when TP
trailing edge was fully down, parallel with TP skin. This reference line
makes it very easy to catch very small play over time.
So far the TP is still on the reference line. I check this on every pre
Best regards
LN-STE Mono in Norway.