Redux and flox would be OK, if you use peel ply (recommended) with care you
should get a nice shape=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A___________________________
_____=0A From: Tony Renshaw <>=0ATo: europa-list@ma =0ASent: Sunday, 2 June 2013, 11:08=0ASubject: Europa-List: Re:
Europa-List Digest: 13 Msgs - 06/01/13=0A =0A=0A--> Europa-List message po
sted by: Tony Renshaw <>=0A=0AGidday,=0AThanks to R
ichard Wheelwright, Richard Collings, and Ron Parigoris for their replies r
egarding TE Lift Pin Sockets. I had to move all 4 of my lift pin socket pla
tes from the sides of the fuselage, due to them being in the wrong position
, and no, my dimensions are correct. A bunch of other builders, well at lea
st one other, have had to move plates. So, the rear plates were extracted a
nd moved from the outside due to access with the cockpit module in the way.
Suffice to say I have a buildup over the plates that whilst over the top o
f the plates it is flat, as you migrate outward, I have multiple plies of c
loth including the mandatory 4 plies of BID for reinforcement. So, whilst I
like curves of the feminine sense, I hate them otherwise. I've got curves
going off in all directions and I'm just hopeless at the trial and error of
shaping ply. I have an admission, I love car bog. Polyester resin mixed wi
th talc. Easy to sand, easy to shape. I am wondering if
rather than ply I coul!=0Ad apply car bog over the plate area, shape it ni
cely, and then layup over the top of it. It aint going to crack away or mig
rate anywhere as it is captive by the BID, and should remain "in"compressib
le, certainly no more than ply. Or, if the car bog is the issue, why not ap
ply it, shape it, splash it, fill it with redux and flox, and redux it back
on? I can build most of the kit but when it comes to multiple fit and sand
, fit and sand, etc, I know most will think it an easy thing, but I struggl
e and simply don't enjoy it. So, any other options??=0ARegards=0ATony Rensh
aw=0AWhingy Aussie=0A=0A=0AOn 02/06/2013, at 5:01 PM, Europa-List Digest Se
rver <> wrote:=0A=0A> =0A> _______________________
_________- Message 4- _____________________________________=0A> =0A>>=0A> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Rear Trailing Edge Lift Pin Sock
et Mounting=0A> =0A> Tony,=0A--- Depending on the thickness you need. I u
sed waste from th=0A> e tri-gear leg sockets ribs. I cut a 2 1/2 inch circl
e with a hole saw, the=0A> n it was cut down through its edge at the angel
needed to contour the side =0A> of the fuselage. Worked a treat.=0A=0A
=============0A> =========0A=0A
Richard Wheelwright=0A========0A> ========
======0A =0A=0A__________________________=0A> ______=0A F
rom: Tony Renshaw <>=0ATo: europa-list@m=0A> atro =0ASent: Saturday, 1 June 2013, 9:17=0ASubject: Europa-List: R
=0A> ear Trailing Edge Lift Pin Socket Mounting=0A- =0A=0A--> Europ
a-List messag=0A> e posted by: Tony Renshaw <>=0A
=0AI would like to r=0A> equest advice regarding methods of shaping the p
ly inserts for the rear Tra=0A> iling Edge Lift Pin Sockets if anyone has d
igressed from the manual, either=0A> by material/medium or method. Thanks.
=0ARegards=0ATony Renshaw=0ASydney Au=0A> =========
===========0A> =0A> ________________________________-
Message 5- _____________________________________=0A> =0A> =0A> Time: 04:
e: Europa-List: Rear Trailing Edge Lift Pin Socket Mounting=0A> =0A> I did
the same as Richard W , I drew a circle on a piece of the 12mm =0A> plywood
the same dia as the bracket tried it in place with the wings in =0A> posit
ion then once I had the thickness correct blended out from the =0A> bracket
circle to the edge this made the outside dia about 3 1/2 inches =0A> . The
n glue and glass as per manual.- Good luck Richard C=0A> =0A> From: Richa
rd Wheelwright =0A> Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2013 9:55 AM=0A> Subject: Re: E
uropa-List: Rear Trailing Edge Lift Pin Socket Mounting=0A> =0A> Tony,=0A>
- - Depending on the thickness you need. I used waste from the tri-gear
=0A> leg sockets ribs. I cut a 2 1/2 inch circle with a hole saw, then it
was =0A> cut down through its edge at the angel needed to contour the side
of the =0A> fuselage. Worked a treat.=0A> =0A> =========
===========0A> =0A> Richard Wheelwright=0A> ===
=================0A> =0A> From: Tony Rensha
w <>=0A> Sent: Saturday, 1 June 2013, 9:17=0A> Subj
ect: Europa-List: Rear Trailing Edge Lift Pin Socket Mounting=0A> =0A> =0A>
<>=0A> =0A> I would like to request advice regardi
ng methods of shaping the ply =0A> inserts for the rear Trailing Edge Lift
Pin Sockets if anyone has =0A> digressed from the manual, either by materia
l/medium or method. Thanks.=0A> Regards=0A> Tony Renshaw=0A> Sydney st" =0A
> target="_blank">
=0A> rums.matronbsp;- nbsp;- - - - - - - - - -Matt co
m/contribution" =0A> target="_blank">
n=0A> =0A> =0A> ________________________________- Message 6- __________
___________________________=0A> =0A> ________________________________- Me
ssage 9- _____________________________________=0A> =0A> =0A> Time: 05:41:
et Mounting=0A> From:> =0A> =0A> --- Hi
Tony=0A> =0A> =0A> --- "anyone has digressed from the manual, either
by material/medium or=0A> method."=0A> =0A> =0A> --- Here's how I di
d it:=0A> =0A> =0A> ---