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Europa-List: Re: wing lift/drag pins

Subject: Europa-List: Re: wing lift/drag pins
From: Alan Carter <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 13:10:08

Hi Bud.
Having read all the post on this, I am beginning to think I should have bought
a Cessna 150.
Ref ,
"Just check it and be sure. It is not hard to change out the wing pin, pip pin
or socket hole." 

What do you have to do, Ream out oversize holes in the spares bushes,
to the size of the new pip pins, and do they come in a few different thicknesses

And with regards to the front pin which locates the front of the wing into the
fuselage, I would say this pin wants to pull out, ie from drag on the wing, why
is there no pipe]pin here.
I would say the rear one is in compression so keeps itself in.


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