To answer this, one has to draw the lift and drag vectors on the wing both at
and high angle of attack (and thus g's at high speeds) and you will see that
the resultant total vector is well ahead of the wings leading edge, meaning
that they are being pulled forward.
There are also vid clips of wing failures on YouTube which show the wings
On Jun 29, 2013, at 6:14 AM, "Alan Carter" <> wrote:
> Hi All.
> I do not have a problem myself with the pins, i hope,
> However i am interested in anything structural on the aircraft.
> With regards to my eye,s being wrong, not saying i have it right,
> however i need an explanation as to why this bar is in tension.
>> From my old instructors days i know lift acts upwards and weight downwards
> and with an increase in AA the center of pressure moves forward.
> But if i push at the wing tip i am compressing that bar.
> So anybody out there , help me out here and explain my error.
> Regards.
> Alan.
> But keep it simple please.
> Read this topic online here: