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Europa-List: Re: wing lift/drag pins

Subject: Europa-List: Re: wing lift/drag pins
From: g-fizy <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 03:34:40

i did buy a cessna 150 aerobat ,because i could not afford a europa ,the first
annual ,they told me the wings had a couple of patches put on so the wings will
need recovering ,also the seat belts wer ten years old and need replacing 3k
yes thats right for a seat belt ,they also said the engine had filings so thats
another 20k oh and repaint ,,,,so i saved and saved got to 30k and they said
they were to busy to do the work ,,so i bought a europa and sold the cessna
for spares "still wish you had bought a cessna "? 

Alan Carter wrote:
> Hi Bud.
> Having read all the post on this, I am beginning to think I should have bought
a Cessna 150.
> Ref ,
> "Just check it and be sure. It is not hard to change out the wing pin, pip pin
or socket hole." 
> What do you have to do, Ream out oversize holes in the spares bushes,
> to the size of the new pip pins, and do they come in a few different 
> thicknesses
> And with regards to the front pin which locates the front of the wing into the
fuselage, I would say this pin wants to pull out, ie from drag on the wing,
why is there no pipe]pin here.
> I would say the rear one is in compression so keeps itself in.
> Regards. 
> Alan

owner g-fizy

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