Hi Tony
I believe the fouling is between the bell crank and the TS05 push rod.
The following is a copy of a check to be undertaken as part of the final che
Check that trim bellcrank does not contact TS05 push-rod when fully forward (
tab full down) and tailplane is trailing edge up. This can be checked by cyc
ling the trim motor through its range whilst holding the stick fully back, a
nd listening for any labouring.
In my aircraft I did have the problem, as I also didn't know about shortenin
g the clevis/fork ends. I therefore had to do the remedial work with the top
on and was working single handed through the fuselage access holes. Not a v
ery easy task to undertake. As Bud said there is not a big amount to be rem
oved from the clevis/fork ends, just enought to ensure you get no binding be
tween the belcrank and the TS05 push rod when tailplane and trim tab is in t
he configuration as described above.
Kind regards
Donald(G-PUPY) (Nearly flying, awaiting paperwork from LAA to conduct flight
Sent from my iPad
> On 22 May 2014, at 23:02, Tony Renshaw <tonyrenshaw268@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Bud,
> Could you please elaborate where the fouling is more specifically? I appre
ciate knowing this, so I am thankful Bob brought it up. I have the top still
off so its ideal I overcome these issues now.
> Regards
> Tony Renshaw
>> On 23 May 2014, at 7:40, "Bud Yerly" <budyerly@msn.com> wrote:
>> Bob,
>> You are right on the money. Every aircraft I have built needed about 1/8
off each clevis on the pitch mechanism to allow the trim bar to clear at fu
ll elevator and trim travel. As for interpreting the English Language.... N
o comment.
>> Regards,
>> Bud Yerly
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Fred Klein
>> To: europa-list@matronics.com
>> Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 10:30 AM
>> Subject: Europa-List: Re: Clevice \Forks debacle.........
>> Bobthank you for your attention to my build photo and for alerti
ng me to this issue, however vexing you may find it.
>> I am simply baffled to learn that you find =9Cthere is already enou
gh shit flying about on the issue=9D and that it=99s an example s
howing that =9Cpeople just can=99t read and interpret the Englis
h language=9Dplease do not attempt to elaborateI can
do without further discussion which you find unsuitable for posting on Matr
>> Fred
>>> On May 22, 2014, at 2:19 AM, Bob Harrison <ptag.dev@talktalk.net> wrote:
>>> Hi! Tony /Fred.
>>> To try to help you over this vexed issue concerning the clevis forks I j
ust spoke to a local friend on the issue ....his immediate response was that
he had removed =C2=BC=9D but when I questioned him further he starte
d to apply some engineering reason to the issue and suggested that we probab
ly both removed 1/8=9D from each clevice to ensure there was adequate t
hread purchase left on both clevices. Which is the principle I would apply ,
the only thing better is to remove it from one and check the operational cl
earance as to whether it is necessary to do the other too.
>>> I=99m not publishing this on the Matronics site since there is alr
eady enough shit flying about on the issue , people just can=99t read a
nd interpret the English language !
>>> Regards
>>> Bob H
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