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Europa-List: Dimension Requested for Trim Tab Link Rod Fork insert

Subject: Europa-List: Dimension Requested for Trim Tab Link Rod Fork insert
From: Tony Renshaw <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 08:34:50
Well, it seems my Trim Tab Link Rod, TS05 is conflicting with my plastic 
forks of the servo, like many others. I think I have to eat humble pie 
here. The issue is that the vertical of the two rivets that hold the 
insert AN490 HT8P in position, its head is the culprit. It looks like to 
me the easiest fix is to take a little of the fork excess plastic away, 
but there isn=92t much, and any finer adjustment needs to be made by 
removing the offending rivet, and repositioning it. Thats my current 
plan, and to that end I=92d like to ask what the length of the insert is 
that is within my T bar tube. I am thinking of removing the offending 
rivet and repositioning 45 degrees offset. I would like to double the 
spacing that exists between the current rivets, in side elevation, for 
the placement of the next one, so I have double the metal since I have 
half the offset, as the holes from the removed rivet will have created a 
wall weakness. Still, there shouldn=92t be a ridiculous amount of load 
on these, and the second one is probably more of a secondary means of 
attachment, aviation double check anyway. 
 If anyone has not constructed the T bar, can I please ask for the 
insert length? I will ask Europa if the list is unable to help. Thanks.
Tony Renshaw

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