As stated by others it is far easier=2C with no other problems as a result
=2C to shorten the plastic clevis so the total length is about 1/8 inch sho
rter. Normally 2- 3 mm is OK 1/8 inch .125 is the max I have ever trimmed.
Leave the trim rod alone then and you'll be fine.
Bud Yerly
Date: Sun=2C 27 Jul 2014 10:15:44 +0100
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Dimension Requested for Trim Tab Link Rod Fork in
long time ago but I shortened the plastic a couple of mm.
Maybe the simple way would be to assemble the whole thing without fixing
the servo to the bulkhead=2C then work out where it needs to go without
causing the fouling
From: Tony Renshaw <>
Sent: Sunday=2C 27 July 2014=2C 3:46
Subject: Re:=0A
Europa-List: Dimension Requested for Trim Tab Link Rod Fork insert
Hi Craig=2CIf you shorten the link rod=2C don=92t you change the geometry o
f the tab displacement? I know Bob Harrison did a similar thing=2C and he h
asn=92t had any problems with the consequence. I will have to take a closer
look=2C as it is an intricate mechanism=2C and I take my hat off to Ivan a
nd co for designing it. How you do that makes me envious. I might get anoth
er link rod and experiment. Scott from Ray Allen is very helpful=2C so if I
stuff it up I=92m sure he will come to the rescueThanks for replying.Regar
dsTony Renshaw
On 27 Jul 2014=2C at 11:47 am=2C craig <> wrote:Tony
=2C have a look at the link rod between the servo and the bell crankI had a
long hard look at it and ended up shortening that link rod about 2mm=2C tr
imming the plastic will fix the issue=2C mine only needed about 2mm total t
gainThe required clearance=2C I filed a bit off each one and problem solve
d=2C prior to that 2mm it would foulAnd try to push the servo up at full tr
avel Hope this helps=2C it may be another way to attack the=0A
problem Regardscraig From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Tony=0A
Sent: Saturday=2C July 26=2C 2014 8:35 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Dimension Requested for Trim Tab Link Rod Fork insert
Gidday=2CWell=2C it seems my Trim Tab Link Rod=2C TS05 is conflicting wit
h my plastic forks of the servo=2C like many=0A
others. I think I have to eat humble pie here. The issue is that the verti
cal of the two rivets that hold the insert AN490 HT8P in position=2C its he
ad is the culprit. It looks like to me the easiest fix is to take a little
of the fork excess plastic away=2C but there isn=92t much=2C and any finer
adjustment needs to be made by removing the offending rivet=2C and repositi
oning it. Thats my current plan=2C and to that end I=92d like to ask what t
he length of the insert is that is within my T bar tube. I am thinking of r
emoving the offending rivet and repositioning 45 degrees offset. I would li
ke to double the spacing that exists between the current rivets=2C in side
elevation=2C for the placement of the next one=2C so I have double the meta
l since I have half the offset=2C as the holes from the removed rivet will
have created a wall weakness. Still=2C there shouldn=92t be a ridiculous am
ount of load on these=2C and the second one is probably more of a secondary
means of=0A
attachment=2C aviation double check anyway. If anyone has not constructed
the T bar=2C can I please ask for the insert length? I will ask Europa if
the list is unable to help. Thanks.RegardsTony Renshaw <image001.jpg><ima
ge002.jpg>No virus found in this message.
by AVG -
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