On 25 Jul 2014, at 23:34, Tony Renshaw wrote:
> If anyone has not constructed the T bar, can I please ask for the insert
> length?
Tony -
I am sorry I can't offer the information you seek. I agree that the rivets are
a problem; I solved it in my case by fitting them at 45 degrees - see:
<http://www.rowlandcarson.org.uk/aviation/europa_435/201203.php> and scroll
down to day 21
In your situation, I'd be inclined to order a new link rod etc and re-make it as
I'm not sure that there would be enough meat left to support another rivet.
While you're at it, you may also fall foul (!) of another issue - you'll see my
solution to that on this page:
> I will ask Europa if the list is unable to help. Thanks.
> Regards
> Tony Renshaw
> <Tailplane_Trim_Tab_T_bar_fork_attach_rivet_issue.jpeg><AN490_HT8P_Insert_Length_Query.jpeg>
| Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
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