Jim, I accept the issue is a serious matter and I am quite prepared to
champion vital safety matters but you cannot legislate for pilot's
inefficient pre-flight checks and inspections, unless you want a safety
device of a safety device, of a safety device and our aircraft will not get
off the ground. These chaps must face the facts that it is their
shortcomings on these matters which put them and their passengers at risk.
The incident over the elevator was a proven short coming of build and
design, as was the assessed need to attend to the rear wing lift pins at the
same time since there was a perceived issue over build integrity which
couldn't be assessed without breaking into the wings.
The matter of the door is designed adequately and functions quite adequately
until the human element of pre-flight checks and regular hinge inspection
raises their heads.
Sorry, it is my humble opinion that I will not give on this issue, I do not
want have to install knee jerk solutions for everyone to comply with over
such things that still come back to pilot conduct.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of g-fizy
Sent: 01 October 2014 20:58
Subject: Europa-List: Re: In flight noticed the rear door pin out -horror
ptag.dev@talktalk.net wrote:
> Jim ...... so everyone has to jump through hoops because someone else
> hasn't done adequate pre-flight checks?
> Regards
> Bob Harrison G-PTAG
> --
yes bob safety first ,thats a lot of doors that have come off ,after we
sadly lost two people didn't we all have to do a mod to the elevator
owner g-fizy
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