I'm with you on his one Bob. IMHO there is nothing wrong with the door design,
in fact it is very good. But during our type conversions we need to learn how
it works and thereafter religiously include FULLY AND PROPERLY checking it is
locked before we take off. EVERY TIME! Over the years I have flown many
types of glider, every one having a very different canopy locking system.
You learn how it works before you go - then always do your before take off
checks. Glider pilots are good at this. (I'm sure many on here from the uk
will know C.B.S.I.F.T.C.B !!). Even so, I can think of two incidents I have
witnessed where glider pilots have taken off with their canopies unlocked and
therefore they have broken. I guess sometimes sh*t happens!
I don't want a mod for this - prefer to trust myself - and hope I continue to
it right!
Classic Mono
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