On Oct 2, 2014, at 6:44 AM, Max Cointe (Free) <mcointe@free.fr> wrote:
>> but if you want some cheap insurance too put a switch on each of the
> shoot bolts that puts a ground on a bright red LED directly in front
of you
> on the panel...
> And then install a test button to verify that the leds are still
> Complicate cabling AND checklist.
With thanks to Raimo Toivio for the design and components, I have
mounted two robust pressure switches which will give me two lit green
LEDs on the panel when the rear shoot bolts for the two doors are
engaged=85no need for test button to ensure system is operational=85really
quite simple=85I=92ve also fabbed tabs on both doors which are located
so that pilot can reach to ensure firm closure w/o relying on
passenger=85nonetheless: Checklists Rule !!