Phil, I am all for minimising the time you spend eyes down, (having
experienced 5 mid air near misses with 3 probably fatal had I not been
looking out!). From this point of view, I would doubt the value of a
fuel pressure guage, as opposed to a low fuel pressure warning light,
which shines a bright red light at you if pressure falls below a set
level. To this end I sourced an on/off fuel pressure switch set to light
up if pressure fell below 3 psi (as I remember it - but it should be
easy enough to find a pressure well below normal running pressure and
above what will stop you flying). This worked well for me in running my
main tank dry. I found it came on in plenty of time for me to switch to
reserve before the engine coughed. It would also, I guess, work well if
you had a partially clogged filter and needed to switch on pump 2 and
reduce power to limp home, as happened to the company demontrator in
early days. I cannot think of any very good reasons to need a fuel
pressure gauge apart from these instances.
Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ
On 2016-05-27 14:32, flyingphil2 wrote:
> This is a question for those who have a 914 up at the front.
> With the 914uls the best way to monitor fuel pressure is to monitor the fuel
/ airbox differential pressure. I'm looking for a simple and 'tried and tested'
way of doing this. Can anyone recommend a setup for this? I see there are a
variety of dual gauges available and also gauges that do the calculation for you
(via sensors) and just have a single needle showing the differential.
> Any input or advice of what other people have done would be welcome.
> Read this topic online here:
> [1]