Williamthat assumes a lot of things don't matter, oil pressure? Fuel=C2-p
On Thursday, 25 January 2018, 11:32, William Daniell <wdaniell.longport
@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes the levil is a flying instrument...
As far as the engine goes I'm faced with a dilemma.
EITHER I go for a patch solution ....the absolute minimum back up round gau
ges....say Rpm, map and oil temp
OR I rebuild my panel based on lessons learned in the first 50 hours.=C2-
=C2-In this case I would include a dynon EIS like the D10....dynon becau
se of engine probe compatibility and it frees up space on my pfd.=C2- Thi
s will give me the opportunity to include the inputs that I didn't include
in the initial build like fuel quantity and fuel flow.=C2- Also change cb
for blade fuses and so on.=C2- But I am loath to fix something which is
essentially working pretty well......
The annoying thing with much of this kit is that it seems the sensors are n
ot compatible.=C2- The rotax sensors are common obviously.=C2- =C2-It
seems that mgl kit won't work with dynon map sensor....albeit it's not a h
uge thing to run a tube into the panel.=C2- Likewise=C2-the levil will
display GRT ems but not dynon which is annoying.=C2- So what you end up w
ith is double sensors and double wiring.....
On Jan 25, 2018 05:00, <davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk> wrote:
William, The i Levil 3 looks a great bit of kit, but if I understand rightl
y it is providing AH/Nav/GPS/ADSB functions and no engine monitoring. I wou
ld say you are pushing your luck flying without a tachometer, oil pressure
gauge and CHT/coolant temp gauge. CS controllers are not infallible and if
your Airmaster one has no rpm readout you could break your engine if you hi
t an unlucky set of circumstances. Similarly low oil pressure or high coola
nt temp can spoil your day big time. All required by LAA for what that is w
orth - (which is actually quite a lot, when you consider that UK permit acc
ident rates are much the same as certified aircraft and compare that with t
he Experimental situation.) I would recommend a small modern EMS like the o
ne produced by MGL. It will display pretty much evrything and importantly m
ake a fuss if anything departs from the straight and narrow and weighs not
a lot.Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ=C2-=C2-On 2018-01-25 03:32, William D
aniell wrote:
Following the unbidden rebooting of my SkyView I have ordered a levil.=C2
-What is the group think on the minimum back up engine instruments?=C2-
My thinking is that the airmaster should keep the Rpm under control so I do
n't need Rpm.=C2-=C2-=C2-However I do need MAP to avoid overboost giv
en that I have a manual wastegate.=C2- And I figure on an oil temp gauge.
=C2- And that's it.=C2-Will=C2-(By the way does anyone know of a map
gauge that works with the dynon electric sensor?)=C2-=C2-=C2-=C2-