The iLevil to date only works with Grand Rapids EIS and displays that infor
mation. I do not believe they interface with Dynon. Of course it is anoth
er object to install. It has to be level and aligned to work properly as a
I won=92t get any more into who is better than who. None of them are bulle
t proof, but I always look beyond the window dressing in advertising and lo
ok at what has always worked.
Have you troubleshot your Skyview yet?
My thoughts only:
First update the Dynon. Laptop and serial analog plug-in required. I neve
r install a Dynon without the engine and EFIS update plugs wired in.
2. Disconnect all other items from the EFIS. That=92s radio, transponder,
ADS-B, autopilot, AOA, and all that clutter.
Does it work as an EFIS alone? Does the Engine monitor work on its own?
3. Turn on each interface component until an instability is found.
4. Work with Dynon on a patch.
Been there, done that in the past.
Back up instruments. Very few all in one engine monitors other than the ob
vious (Dynon EMS, GRT EIS, MGL, AvMap, and many others) which all work acce
ptably. I have used the Dynon EMS as a backup with a hand made 20 item inp
ut relay switch because of the Dynon Skyview/FD 180 mistrust. Dynon believ
es their EMS in the Skyview is fail safe, but if the system reboots or goes
blank, a backup was necessary in my opinion. (Also a attitude backup was
installed.) Dynon only believes in a PFD backup.
You cannot hook any resistance engine sensors to two separate engine monito
rs, you must switch the input or add a second sensor. I=92ve done both. N
ot fun either way. Manifold pressure is easily split with a T.
I have always used a UMA MP gauge in a backup or primary gauge. Do not buy
an automotive boost gauge. These auto boost type or vacuum gauges are ven
ted to the atmosphere, get a MP gauge that is sealed or absolute (made that
mistake when I purchases a cheap Mitchel MP gauge, and A/C Spruce advised
the purchase).
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly
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From: William Daniell<mailto:wdaniell.longport@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 10:35 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Back up engine instruments
Following the unbidden rebooting of my SkyView I have ordered a levil.
What is the group think on the minimum back up engine instruments?
My thinking is that the airmaster should keep the Rpm under control so I do
n't need Rpm.
However I do need MAP to avoid overboost given that I have a manual wastega
te. And I figure on an oil temp gauge. And that's it.
(By the way does anyone know of a map gauge that works with the dynon elect
ric sensor?)