Dear Bud thanks very much as usual,
I have joined the Dynon forum and apparently reboot in flight is rare but
not unheard of. And this applies to most of the computer based PFD
systems. So priority No1 is flight instruments and I think the Levil is a
reasonable solution as I already have Android devices and naviator.
Re engine back up. I am going to follow your advice with some
- I already have RPM back up which I will I think retain.
- Oil Pressure: I have discovered since I started the discussion that
the standard practice here for oil pressure back up is to switch between
Dynon and the back up with an on-off-on switch. I am assuming that this
what your relay does in a much more sophisticated way.
- Electrical power: I have an Alternator warning light which I think
will serve as a warning for electrical issues. Is that correct?
- Fuel pressure gauge I think is not so critical because I am not 100%
electrical dependent - I have a mechanical pump as well as the electric
pump. So I figure if my entire electrical system/electrical pumps and t
mech pump all go out Im having a really bad day.
- I definitely need the MAP because of over-boost and because the mech
pump will only hold 28" MAP.
Many thanks for everyone's input. Ultimately at least on this side of the
Atlantic it is up to each individual pilot to assess what he feels
comfortable with.
I am also conscious that HJ460 is 920lbs without fuel + 100lbs of fuel +
200 lbs of driver. I will need an aux tank if I decide to go Aruba Dom
Thank again to all
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 11:04 PM, Bud Yerly <> wrote:
> Will,
> Not to beat a dead horse. But here is a bit of data on what I did for
> backups:
> I installed a Dynon Eng Management System as a backup and made a relay to
> switch on Brown=99s plane, and a complete set of 2 =C2=BC for 419PL
with a second
> set of sensors.
> Relay board details are shown as attachments above.
> 419PL was interesting as it was analog:
> Tach was off of the ignition lead with a simple switch to the Blue
> Mountain or UMA guage.
> Manifold pressure was split off a Tee.
> Oil Pressure was off a Tee with two pressure sensors on the Pax footwell.
> Oil Temp was off the Rotax oil temp and the other was installed in the
> return line to the tank.
> Cylinder temp just had one on the #2 and the other on the #3 cylinder
> sensors.
> Volts and Amps combined gauge off a separate shunt.
> Fuel Pressure was off a Tee.
> It took too much room for a complete set of gauges so an enlarged panel
> was built.
> The extra Dynon or EIS with a relay made for panel space but time making
> the relay.
> You have thought about your engine, prop and turbo control.
> True, to get you to a safe landing or reboot your cooled off Dynon what d
> you really need.
> Airmaster Prop controls RPM is right.
> Manifold Pressure is right as you have a manual turbo and that would be
> good to have to adjust if climbing and had to return to landing.
> If the alternator and battery quit, so does the engine. Surprise! So wh
> get all tensed up.
> Oil Pressure and Temperature as well as head temp is nice as the Rotax
> runs 90 seconds without oil and 30-45 minutes without coolant, best case.
> That means to continue a flight, manifold gauge, oil pressure and a temp
> gauge which switches from oil temp to cylinder temp are a must.
> Be Patient! To keep it simple, fix the reboot problem and press on is
> what I will do from now on if an Engine Management System is lost. If
> confronted with its failure: I will use the prop and known throttle
> position. (I have a stop at 100% built into my throttle so I know what m
> continuous throttle position is.) If the power is out completely, the pr
> freezes, fly known pitch settings outside, listen to the engine, set the
> throttle at known positions, land as soon as conditions permit. Then fix
> it.
> Sorry to say there are no right answers. The problem with the reboot is
> probably simple. The iLevil is great when combined with an App on your
> phone or iPad for backup nav, attitude, and if you have a GRT EIS, engine
> monitor info is available with a backup battery, so you have engine
> instrumentation as well in the event of panel power failure. If on such
> backup power only emergency, one should still land as soon as possible
> rather than press on.
> Regards,
> Bud Yerly
> Sent from Mail <> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Bud Yerly <>
> *Sent: *Thursday, January 25, 2018 10:26 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *RE: Europa-List: Back up engine instruments
> Will,
> The iLevil to date only works with Grand Rapids EIS and displays that
> information. I do not believe they interface with Dynon. Of course it i
> another object to install. It has to be level and aligned to work proper
> as any AHARS.
> I won=99t get any more into who is better than who. None of them a
re bullet
> proof, but I always look beyond the window dressing in advertising and lo
> at what has always worked.
> Have you troubleshot your Skyview yet?
> My thoughts only:
> First update the Dynon. Laptop and serial analog plug-in required. I
> never install a Dynon without the engine and EFIS update plugs wired in.
> 2. Disconnect all other items from the EFIS. That=99s radio, tran
> ADS-B, autopilot, AOA, and all that clutter.
> Does it work as an EFIS alone? Does the Engine monitor work on its own?
> 3. Turn on each interface component until an instability is found.
> 4. Work with Dynon on a patch.
> Been there, done that in the past.
> Back up instruments. Very few all in one engine monitors other than the
> obvious (Dynon EMS, GRT EIS, MGL, AvMap, and many others) which all work
> acceptably. I have used the Dynon EMS as a backup with a hand made 20 it
> input relay switch because of the Dynon Skyview/FD 180 mistrust. Dynon
> believes their EMS in the Skyview is fail safe, but if the system reboots
> or goes blank, a backup was necessary in my opinion. (Also a attitude
> backup was installed.) Dynon only believes in a PFD backup.
> You cannot hook any resistance engine sensors to two separate engine
> monitors, you must switch the input or add a second sensor. I=99ve
> both. Not fun either way. Manifold pressure is easily split with a T.
> I have always used a UMA MP gauge in a backup or primary gauge. Do not
> buy an automotive boost gauge. These auto boost type or vacuum gauges ar
> vented to the atmosphere, get a MP gauge that is sealed or absolute (made
> that mistake when I purchases a cheap Mitchel MP gauge, and A/C Spruce
> advised the purchase).
> Best Regards,
> Bud Yerly
> Sent from Mail
> <
> for Windows 10
> *From: *William Daniell <>
> *Sent: *Wednesday, January 24, 2018 10:35 PM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *Europa-List: Back up engine instruments
> Following the unbidden rebooting of my SkyView I have ordered a levil.
> What is the group think on the minimum back up engine instruments?
> My thinking is that the airmaster should keep the Rpm under control so I
> don't need Rpm.
> However I do need MAP to avoid overboost given that I have a manual
> wastegate. And I figure on an oil temp gauge. And that's it.
> Will
> (By the way does anyone know of a map gauge that works with the dynon
> electric sensor?)