My two cents.
My original solution was to install the original oil cooler under the spinner
a chin scoop.
The client made no attempt to duct out the bottom. In a test it was fine so he
flew like that for years until selling the plane.
It worked better than behind the glycol cooler. The LAA mod is better as it
for more room under the muffler for proper ducting.
In "Cooling 102" for the Jabiru, I show a duct arrangement, I've had excellent
results making the climb oil temps behave. A bit cool on cruise but 180 F in
summer at 7500 feet is not unacceptable. It runs too cool in the winter without
a plate on the front or better yet a cowl flap to control oil temp. Same idea
can work in the Classic, but it is tight depending on your muffler arrangement.
The same technique is used in the LAA mod for the inlet.
Another thought:
Creighton Smith (80 HP Classic) ( uses a Lenovo glycol to oil
cooler. He recommends the larger one. It plumbs into the glycol cooler 1 inch
hose and oil lines and lies on the top of the engine in his Classic Mono.
Not very heavy either. No cowl cutting.
Oil and glycol temps run very similar and warm up is faster. On the hottest
he will cruise climb at 90 Kts for ideal temps in the climb during summer.
At high altitude cruise conditions, everything is steady about 200 ish
His cowl exit is wider than usual to get better cooling in the Key West Florida
summers. He cut off the third leg of the original Classic muffler and put on
a single pipe exit to reduce back pressure on his 80 HP Rotax.
Winter is the hard nut to crack in aircraft. His was no different. He uses
to block his gills on the top cowl, tape across the radiators, and an in-flight
adjustable plate across the cowl exit to block his air exit to try to keep
it warm enough when temps are below freezing on start up and terribly cold at
altitude when he is flying in Canada. You may wish to talk to him and get real
data not just vague numbers.
Talk to your inspector and make sure your country rules allow modifications.
to real users who have tried to solve the same issues. If you are in a hot
climate, or are only a summer flier it makes a difference on what approach you
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of michalm
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 2:48 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Larger oil cooler - Classic
Hello fellow Europa enthusiasts!
I'm trying to solve the oil cooling issue in my 912 ULS powered Classic. I have
the standard cooling setup with a 10 row oil cooler behind the port radiator
and slightly enlarged cowl outlets. On hot days (30 C) and loaded to max weight
I very quickly reach 120 C oil temp during a climb of just 2000 ft. If I let
it cruise a bit it will go down to 115 C within a few minutes, 110 C if I reach
cooler air higher up. The coolant stays below 90 C, except the climb phase
where it reaches around 100 C. So far after reading your past discussions I came
up with 2 possible solutions:
1. Moving the oil cooler below the spinner.
2. Installing an oil/water heat exchanger to supplement the oil cooler.
The first is a bit invasive and as I'm not the original builder I don't feel
confident to perform, yet. The second one is tempting but I thought about
trying a simpler solution first: exchanging the oil cooler for a larger model.
Mocal makes various sizes - the 13 row should fit without issues and perhaps
the 16 row version will fit as well (if it can clear the exhaust pipe).
Has anyone tried this approach? How effective this may be without enlarging the
cowl outlets? According to charts on Mocal website I should expect a reduction
of oil temp of around 8 C (16 row vs 10 row), but that assumes a free air flow
which is most likely not the case inside the cowling.
Read this topic online here: