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Re: Tailwheel Mod

Subject: Re: Tailwheel Mod
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 08:26:04
Subj:Re: Tailwheel Mod        
Date:        3/10/99

I have had pretty good success in using a fly cutter. You must make some
changed though. Take the drill out and make a new center guide that has a
smooth 1/8 inch diameter end. Take the cutter off and grind it so that it will
produce a thin cut line.  The cutters angle of point should be such that it
won't "dig in" as it is rotating. Pre-drill a 1/8 inch hole for your new
center guide to fit into. Use it in a variable speed drill at the slowest
speed possible.  Practice on a similar piece of scrap before touching your
"baby" with it. It works on lectern too.
Troy -N120EU<<<<<<

Hi All,

That should read : "It works on LEXAN , (or perspex) too"  (The spell checker
has a demon in it).

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