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Re: Tailwheel Mod

Subject: Re: Tailwheel Mod
From: David Watts <>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 23:04:30
>Has anyone used a fly cutter for cutting the access aperture?

I used a stanley knife and a small hammer very carefully and very slowly. It 
seemed like it would be a dreadful job but in fact was not too bad.

>any tips on how to get the layups through the hole and into position
>without them sticking prematurely to the skin or themselves

I made the layup on polythene and then placed another layer of polythene on 
top before rolling up into a tube to fit through the hole. Once inside it 
was a game unrolling and pealing the first side of polythene off. I did 
manage to get it all back out of the hole and go through the process again 
(twice) before I finally got it how I wanted it.

I now have a masters in gynaecology I think!!!

Dave Watts 'XDY

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