I have not assembled/dis-assembled my Europa frequently. (for transport)
However, I have found that on the ten or so times I have used (borrowed)
the standard Europa trailer it has taken me of the order of 40 minutes
minimum to get the aircraft ready for flight, and longer to prepare it
for transport.
Obviously, safety is a primary concern when rigging and de-rigging.
On most occasions I have had assistance from one or two others.
The main difficulties I have encounted are:
1/ The sheer weight of the aircraft. Getting on and off the trailer
has been a struggle.
2/ Concern over damaging and scratching the wings during the process.
The position of the original trailer 'uprights' has been a issue.
3/ Transportation of the aircraft runs the risk of fuselage damage. It
has tended to rock from side to side, rubbing against the wings in their
stored position.
4/ The position of the original exhaust pipe has interfered with
loading and unloading onto the monowheel ramp.
Personally, I would describe it as a non trivial activity. I would much
rather fly to a destination, than trailer.
I suspect that with practice I would improve. However I feel that the
issues I have raised would remain a cause for concern.
I acknowledge that builders who are accustomed to trailering their
aircraft into their chosen field have probably developed 'a system'
which resolves some of these issues.
Alan. D. Stewart
14 Goddard Way 'phone : +44 1245 264186
Chelmer Village work : +44 1245
Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6UR email :
office email : alan.stewart@marconi.com