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Re: Tail dragger XS3300

Subject: Re: Tail dragger XS3300
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 20:08:56
Cool, but be careful Nic...  The engine mount transfers stress to the
central tunnel.  Hanging 160# out front on a leverage arm is one
thing.  Pull 3.8G per U.S. standard, add 50% for mom and the kids, or
double/triple it if you like doin' acro, and a first-year engineering
student can show you many thousands of # stress on a cheap scientific
calculator.  Traditional engine mounts attach to fuselage sides, and
e.g. in the Lancair, there's reinforcing carbon fiber hat sections
there to spread the load.  I chopped and narrowed my (tri-gear) tunnel
down a bit, but conservatively so, and reinforced with uni-cloth
strips at the engineer's 45-deg triangle I read about, since the only
engineer I know drove choo-choo trains.  Somebody's gotta do first
flight soon in N3EU, and no waiting list yet beyond me!  

Fred F., A063, N3EU

Nic wrote:
> I am almost convinced to convert my mono wheel carriage to tail-dragger.
> The space gained by eliminating (mostly) the central tunnel should provide
> the space for laptop nav unit and drink holder.
> The space gained by eliminating the wheel well should provide for better
> exhaust collection and augmentation.
> Any other prospective converts out (in) there?
> Gear installation and cabin reinforcement are the mods.
> Any hep?
> Nic- xs145
> ps: If something is far-out, can it not be near-in as well?

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