Hi! Nic.
You said "mostly" . Don't over do it . the tunnel box section is an
structural link between engine mount and wings. The PFA have approved
calculations for at least one MK 1 a/c Kit 100 G-OGAN.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-europa@aztec.houxou.com
> Subject: Tail dragger XS3300
> I am almost convinced to convert my mono wheel carriage to tail-dragger.
> The space gained by eliminating (mostly) the central tunnel should provide
> the space for laptop nav unit and drink holder.
> The space gained by eliminating the wheel well should provide for better
> exhaust collection and augmentation.
> Any other prospective converts out (in) there?
> Gear installation and cabin reinforcement are the mods.
> Any hep?
> Nic- xs145
> ps: If something is far-out, can it not be near-in as well?