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RE: The Move

Subject: RE: The Move
From: Peter Zutrauen <>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 13:39:52
Absolutely! That's precisely the stage I'm at :-)

Even if it were a de-listed and private MSN group, there should still be
references to be able to sign up to the group (from the many builders/co
websites, etc, etc,). The group just not be listed in the MSN community
directory to keep all the evil spammers away.

Really no different (access-wise) from what you have today, and much better
than open groups with all of their pitfalls.


-----Original Message-----
Subject: RE: The Move

Hi! Folks.
Regarding any moves let's not forget that there 
is a benefit to the Europa Group in promoting its
longevity. The more aircraft sold the longer and 
more secure the spares situation will be, access 
to this forum should be available to wannabe 
builders who are on the brink of deciding to buy.
I have recommended numerous such people to access
this forum thus helping them to take the plunge.

Bob Harrison  G-PTAG 
PS Currently in Stockholm via Ryanair Ex Stanstead
at Total inclusive of Airport Taxes 46.20 for 
two return !!!!!!

Quoting Peter Zutrauen <>:

> I'd also like to echo the appreciation for all 
of John's efforts....
> this
> group has definitely influenced my decision to 
purchase and build a
> Europa
> kit.
> I had never even looked into the MSN 
communities before, but Carl is
> correct- it is possible to create a community 
on MSN which is only
> viewable
> by members, and does not have to be listed in 
the directory.
> I would think that this solution would meet the 
most critical eye wrt
> etc., and yet provide the group with a more 
efficient medium.
> Any thoughts from Tony et al?
> Cheers,
> Pete 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carl Pattinson 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: The Move
> Firstly John, I would like to express my thanks 
for the endless hours
> that
> you spend keeping the Europa group ticking 
over. It is a shame that we
> are
> having to part company with Avnet but internet 
wise they appear to be
> stuck
> in a bit of a time warp and things have moved 
on elsewhere.
> Having said that our group has functioned for 
the last seven or so
> years
> with out any real hitches but I guess its time 
to progress.
> My question would be is "why Yahoo" as there 
are many other internet
> communities available (some less spam prone 
than others). I have been
> involved in running a MSN community for a 
number of years and have
> never
> encountered the spam problems that people talk 
about. It is a closed
> group
> which is not listed and only accepts members by 
invitation. At the risk
> of
> being corrected by those who know better the 
group is invisible to
> everyone
> except the members. I also use several hotmail 
boxes and their new anti
> spam
> filters seem to work very well (and believe me, 
I get a lot of spam !).
> I would be happy to set up a MSN community for 
the Europa group if this
> would help although I know that anything that 
Bill Gates has anything to
> do
> with is regarded as suspect.
> Anyway back to my original question "why Yahoo" 
although I I dont have
> a
> reason why not. My only observation is that in 
the past I have found
> accessing Yahoo communities a bit difficult due 
to internet traffic but
> maybe this has changed.
> Whatever happens I would hate to lose some of 
our leading lights (eg
> Tony K)
> due to this change. Their input is invaluable 
and (sometimes)
> inspiring.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Cliff" 
> Subject: The Move
> > Obviously there has been a strong adverse 
reaction to my proposed move
> to
> become a Yahoo group.
> >
> > The central issue seems to be the likelihhod 
of the member address
> list
> being passed to third parties. The group itself 
> > closed-to-members, nobody else can post to it 
and only text can be
> posted,
> no attachments.
> >
> > This (Avnet) List continues and will do so 
until we ask Avnet to turn
> it
> off, which we are not about to do.
> >
> > Does anyone know of a better alternative ?  
This should be free,
> allow
> restriction to text messages (to choke off 
viruses) and
> > preferably provide a member-accessible file 
storage area and a usable
> administrator interface.
> >
> > Anyone who has not yet responded to the 
joining invitation from Yahoo
> might like to suspend doing so for a day or 
two.  I am the
> > owner of Europa-Forum and could destroy it 
and (ostensibly) its
> address
> list with it.
> >
> > John Cliff
> >
> >
> >
> > The Europa List is supported by Aviators 
Network UK -
> >
> The Europa List is supported by Aviators 
Network UK -
> The Europa List is supported by Aviators 
Network UK -

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