Could be beneficial. Of course, cumulating all the things I've done
for better aerodynamics, I'm up to to an estimated 200 knots.
There is a cosmetic limit to what can be done, though, as the ailerons
not line up to the flaps.
Fred F., A063
> Hmmm; I suspect that a fair amount of the variance in cruise/max speeds
> accross the europa fleet is down to this. Looking at the original aerofoil -
> as in the computer model - it's clear that the TE has noticeable reflex: If
> you lay a 12" rule on the top surface, there should (theoretically) be a gap
> mid point of 0.10".
> Miles
> > I set it up so that the flaps appeared to be neutral camber, with any
> > error maybe a flew hairs up.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Fred F., A063