> Fish oil? Where does one purchase this stuff? Are you talking
about actual fish oil?
Fish oil is an anti corrosive fluid made out of ...you guessed it, fish oil !
The rag and tube guys here swear by the stuff as do classic car restorers.
Only rule is don't get it on your hands while applying it unless you want to
have every cat in the neighbourhood follow you round all day. Once it has set
the smell disappears.
You may be interested to know that fish oil is one of the active components of
It is also sold here by automotive shops in spray cans under the brand name
Fishoilene and is made by Wattyl in Australia.
To quote..
Killrust Fishoilene a treated fish oil containing rust inhibitor, formulated to
provide a protective coating for metal.
Recommended Uses
Killrust Fishoilene is suitable for direct application over rusted surfaces
such as structural steel, gates, railings, welds and other metal surfaces
around the home. It will penetrate rust scale and creep into crevices, along
pipes, bolts, screws, rivets and other inaccessible places where corrosion is
likely to be most active.