Boiled or raw? Kevin
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Metal parts.
Here in the colonies Linseed oil is most commonly used to prevent corrosion
in chromoly tubing. Readily available at most hardware stores.
Bob Berube A166
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Subject: Re: Metal parts.
> > Fish oil? Where does one purchase this stuff? Are you talking
> about actual fish oil?
> Fish oil is an anti corrosive fluid made out of guessed it, fish
oil !
> The rag and tube guys here swear by the stuff as do classic car restorers.
> Only rule is don't get it on your hands while applying it unless you want
> have every cat in the neighbourhood follow you round all day. Once it has
> the smell disappears.
> You may be interested to know that fish oil is one of the active
components of
> WD40.
> It is also sold here by automotive shops in spray cans under the brand
> Fishoilene and is made by Wattyl in Australia.
> To quote..
> Description
> Killrust Fishoilene a treated fish oil containing rust inhibitor,
formulated to
> provide a protective coating for metal.
> Recommended Uses
> Killrust Fishoilene is suitable for direct application over rusted
> such as structural steel, gates, railings, welds and other metal surfaces
> around the home. It will penetrate rust scale and creep into crevices,
> pipes, bolts, screws, rivets and other inaccessible places where corrosion
> likely to be most active.
> Tony