> I think it might be a very different thing here in the UK, especially near
> the South coast where I live. I once kept an aircraft within 1/2 mile of the
> sea. There were definate signs of corrosion after a short time.
> All the steel parts on my kit (not Europa) were plated, some aluminium parts
> were painted and most of the remaining aluminium parts I have had hard
> anodised (not those which are bonded).
> Jerry
Salt is still salt, but local meteorology is a factor too, and some
States here are supposed to be worse than others. From research I've
read, it's not the direct result of salt in the air, nor even
humidity, but eventual salt deposition on the surface, followed by
prolonged contact with water such as condensation. Its an
electrolytic process, and salt makes water a better conductor; but no
conducting path, no corrosion.
That's why I believe the problem is not common inside the fuselage,
except in seaplanes on salt-water. Even so, for operation near sea
coasts, I would still protect the aluminum, as a de-rigged Europa
exposes the innards. Once the process starts, neither paint, grease,
oil, nor waxy penetrant like LPS-3, may not stop it. Products like
ACF-50 or Boeshield will, by neutralizing the pH of the corroded area.
Fred F., A063