Hi Paul
Having just completed this nasty little job, I can confirm that you
do have to cut the bolts down, making sure you leave at least 2
threads showing after the nut is attached. There are several things
to watch out for here.
1 If you have already drilled the holes through the fuse and the
spigots, you must not allow the spigots to rotate when you drill the
4.8mm holes through the tie-bar. (Actually it doesn't matter for the
first one but is critical for the second) otherwise the holes on the
spigots will no longer line up with the holes in the fuse.
2 Europa in their wisdom have predrilled all the holes on the gusset
plates that are attached to the tie-bar (2 per plate). This is not so
clever as you cannot be 100 per cent sure that the entry point of the
drill will equate to the exit point on the other side of the tie-bar.
This will give the impression that the 4.8 holes are too tight. They
are not, it is just that the predrilled gusset plates holes are not
in exactly the same place as your holes
3. Once the tie bar has been fitted and the gusset plates installed,
it is very difficult to drill the holes through the plates and the
plywood on the starboard side. They are obscured by the flange for
the filler hole in the tank. However after a couple of days we got
there using a flexi-drill and a sash cramp. We warmed the inside of
the plane to about 30c and squeezed the tank up using a Heath
Robinson style cramp device consisting id 3 lengths of wood and the
sash cramp. Then we drilled the holes. All okay in the end but it was
a real B*&
Good luck
Quoting Paul Stewart <paul-d.stewart@virgin.net>:
> Anyone out there either recently fitted the tie rod linking rear
> lift/drag
> pin sockets or can remember doing it. I'm assuming that I need to
> down
> the EURO 44 and 45 bolts as at present they stick out way through
> but
> there is nothing in the manual about shorteniong them. If I don't
> them
> down they will interfere with the plywood shim between the gusset
> plates.
> Any thoughts?
> Regards Paul Stewart #432
> The Europa List is supported by Aviators Network UK -
/////Eddie Hatcher Bill Lams Nick Crisp///////