I have an SL30 Nav/Comm and SL70 transponder and found there was just enough
room for it to fit.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Housman" <>
Subject: Avionics & panel depth
While planning my avionics stack I discovered that there is not sufficient
depth behind the panel for any UPS Aviation Technologies nav/comm, GPS/comm,
or transponder. Each of these requires approximately inch (12 mm) more
than is available behind the panel to the firewall. Not wanting to make
unnecessary cuts into the firewall for clearance my remedy is to add a
spacer between the panel flange and the firewall. According to Neville this
is OK as long as the relocated panel does not interfere with full forward
stick motion.
Also, for the Rotax 914 installation the waste gate servo is to be mounted
on top of the wheel well, near the firewall, but the location specified in
the engine installation manual would make this device intrude into the space
to be occupied by the transponder (when the avionics stack is "full" and the
transponder, or just about anything else, is at the bottom). Neville's
recommendation is to attach the servo to the panel molding itself, in the
space beneath the flat shelf on the starboard side, but I have found that
there is enough space (barely) to mount it in the same general area by
attaching it to the firewall with a specially fabricated aluminum bracket (I
made an AutoCAD drawing that I will send to anyone interested - request the
file "off list"). This mount has the added advantage of using the nut
plates in their intended orientation rather than inverted (!) per the
manual - rhetorical question: has anyone been able to put a bolt into one of
these nutserts from the wrong end? With the normal exit end pinched to
smaller than the bolt diameter, that is not possible with any of the
nutserts delivered with my kit.
Best regards,
Rob Housman