The fishing line technique described several times on this forum has served
us well. Lengths of fishing run over your surfaces spaced just less than the
spreader you intend to spread the filler with allow you to apply a layer of
filler the same thickness as the fishing line. We used fairly thick line (80
thou I think) - we tried thinner but the filler would not spread that thin.
We have used superfil with no complaints at all so far (I can't comment on
expancell and resin) other than the price. It does settle/separate
(hardner) so mix well. Its certainly very easy to mix small quantities to do
little jobs and there has been no batch variation in sanding texture. Having
done an initial fill and sand we have found a thin smear fills the majority
of pin holes - indeed with approx 3 goes at a surface we can't find any pin
holes with a magnifier (no doubt they will appear when we go to the
painter!). The initial fill is the 'big one', thereafter you are literally
smearing filler into the pin holes. We found 4" decorators spatulas (fairly
stiff) about ideal to put the filler on and the use of a hair dryer helps
the filler to flow. Using the fishing line, there is no need to get anything
like 1/4" of filler on your surfaces.
Other stuff we found useful - long sanding splines. We made several from 4mm
macrolon, attached a couple of handles and a layer of fairly dense foam (4mm
or so) to give some cushioning. We used 120 and 180 grit paper. Some log
straight edges are handy to guide you at leading edges etc.
Then just get going - it looks dreadful with the first layer of filler on
but fairly soon things improve. I can't claim to be an expert as we have
not yet painted but we have been please with the results and our painter
seems happy also.
Paul Stewart #432
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred R. Klein" <>
Subject: Europa-List: filler
> As I builder just now facing the task of filling, this current thread of
> "filler" reminds me of an obscure typeface called "Threadfill" which is
> fuzzy, wiggley, and difficult to decipher.
> Don't get me wrong...I'm grateful to hear about so many builders'
> experiences, and as a consequence, I'm hopeful to avoid pitfalls. And I'm
> more than willing to apply the elbow grease and do whatever work is
> necessary to get optimal results...nonetheless,
> -I'm troubled conceptually with the notion of coating the wings and
> surfaces with as much as 1/4" of filler to be sanded and contoured which
> would seem to run the serious risk of altering the airfoils with uncertain
> results.
> -I'm concerned with the comment that improperly applied filler results in
> surface which is too soft and vulnerable to dings in a fully-finished
> airframe.
> -I'm surprised to learn of the difficulties which apparently result in the
> event that an initial coat of filler is found to be insufficient and
> additional filler is required.
> -And what is this "colloidal silica" and potential sources for acquiring
> some?
> Is there someone out there who can spell out "the way"...or am I, and
> like me, left to digest the instructions in the Europa manual with a grain
> of salt and thoughtfully consider the various ways previous builders have
> addressed this issue?
> Would Neville or Andy be willing to stick their oars into this discussion?
> a somewhat bewildered Fred, A194